Thursday, September 25, 2014

I haven't been on in a while ):

Hey guyssss I haven't been on Animal Jam for about a month. So I'm back now! Just taking a break, waiting for the new Night Of The Phantoms YAY! I love the backround for some reason. Guess whattt? Phantom scarecrows? IN THE PHANTOM VORTEX!! Yay :3

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


1. Crystal Sands Slide glitch

Q. What does this glitch look like?

A. This.

Q. How do I do this Glitch?

A. You slide down the biggest slide in Crystal Sands and Quickly when your sliding down, change your animal. You MIGHT get a rare sitting position. Keep trying if it doesn't work the first time.

2. Mt. Shiveer Glitch

Q. What does this glitch look like? 

A. This. 

Q. How do I do this Glitch? 

A. You go to Mt. Shiveer and stand right here.
A.1) Click on someone and open there games tag. Then you click on the striped patch on the cocoa hut. After you do that REALLY FAST click a game and cancel the request fast. You should have walked up the Cocoa Hut. BUT you went right through it. You need to click on the switch animals button when your up there and exit out. ^-^

3. Canyons Pathway

Q. What does this glitch look like? 


Q. How do I do this glitch?

A. You stand in front of the Coral Canyons Entrance in Canyons Pathway and change your animal. While your doing that, Walk in and you will be in a box, half of you peeking out. ^-^

4. Coral Canyons

Q. What does this glitch look like? 

A. This.

Q. How do I do this glitch?

A. You go up to the stairs, and stand next to that little mountain of dirt/sand that's on the stairs. Then you open someones games. Click the left bottom corner of your screen, QUICKLY click a game and cancel the request. This glitch requires speedy clicking. You must be really fast. When you walk across, click the switch animal button and exit out. FAST.

4. Coral Canyons

Q. What does this glitch look like? 

A. This. 

Q. How do I do this glitch?

A. You stand on top of the little patch of Sand/Dirt on the stairs and open someones game tab. Then you click the bottom left corner and QUICKLY click on a game and cancel the request. When your walking in the sky, click the switch animals button and exit out.


Secrets Of Animal Jam

Hi Guys! I have some Secrets an Strange things to show you, lets take a tour of Jamaa!

1. The Lost Temple Of Zios

Now, in the Chamber Of Knowledge. Look at this Wall Curtain. It shows Mira, surrounded by Phantoms. What does this tell us..? It's unknown. We all know Mira produced the Phantoms from her tears, right..? This would be a great den item. Maybe.

Also, in the Chamber Of Knowledge. There seems to be a room down there..? What could it be? Where Zios is buried? The Alphas Headquarters? Who know what lies down there! Maybe one day we can check it out? 

This Zios Statue. You can see Zios, half way out of that hole. Sadly, he is broken up, in pieces, and cracked. Did the phantoms break the statue? Do the phantoms live in there? When you get a lot of people, and sleep around it, phantoms pop out.

This Elephant sitting on the Temple Of Trivia looks cool, and mysterious. 

2. Jamaa Township

Where does this path lead..? Will it lead to a new land? 

3. Sarepia Forest

This might look like a normal fire pit, but its not. When you dance around this with a lot of people, the fire will grow, and soon Mira will appear! Quite magical, huh?

4. Appondale 

This is on the dirt.. What does it mean..?
5. Mt. Shiveer

Is this the secret room you get to when the ice breaks..? It has a Seal on top of it, can only seals break the ice? No. Maybe not. This tells us otherwise.

This is the 3rd Animal Jam B-Day cake. It shows a PENGUIN going into the broken ice.. Not a seal. Who knows..?

Ok.. What is THIS? Some sort of sea monster? A new animal that will come out? Or just a frozen dinosaur?

6. Epic Wonders

Uh.. Maybe that's just a design. 
7. Kimbara Outback

Where is that tire coming from?

Sir Gilbert Portrait + I got an Otter!

So, Adding on to the other 2 portraits of Liza and Cosmo, we have Sir Gilbert, joining the team. We ALL know who will come out in the next portrait.. ME. No, no. I'm just kidding. Another alpha. I think we all know that. Right? ^-^

Also.. I got an Otter with today's Member Diamond! Yay!!

In Addition, My Beta Television giveaway on YouTube has been a success, and is ending in 3 days. *Bananarainbowz AJ*

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ram Horns + Hula skirt

Hi guys! Ever wanted to look like a RAM, or pretend your in Hawaii in Crystal Sands? You can look like a Ram with these awesome new horns!

Or.. A Hula Dancer with this Hula Skirt!

They are both awesome additions to the Jamaa Clothing Store!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

What is the Leap Year Party??!!

Hi Jammers! I get a lot of questions about this topic, "Leap Year Party" Anyone know what it is? I'll tell you. Leap Year occurs every 4 years. It's when the year, having 365 days has 366 days instead. Pretty cool huh?? Next Leap Year will occur in 2016!! Can't wait! Last Leap Year, lots of current betas where in stores.. Here are some pictures!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Otters are FINALLY HERE + New trading system!?

The day has come, Jammers! Animal Jam is BACK FROM MAINTENANCE! The newest animal all of Jamaa has been waiting for is HERE! What would that be..? OTTERS OF COURSE!

The new Otters can be used UNDERWATER as well as LAND! Here are some I spotted on land. Did I miss any?

Lol, you can spot me.. (Eternal Icypaw) Trading.. I spotted lost of Otters, all around Jamaa!

Q: How do I get these "Otters"??
A: Easy! Head on over to the Diamond Shop located in Jamaa Township.
The Otters are 10 Diamonds..

In Addition, AJHQ has made a NEW TRADING SYSTEM to help us improve our trades! But.. Sadly, it is glitching badly. I'm sure AJHQ will fix the problem! I'll send them an E-mail. Here is a picture of the NEW trading system!
Very organized! Now all we need is an option to trade more then 4 items for more then 1! Lol, imagine that.. Here is out old trading system.. See the difference?

Pretty cool!!! ~Bananarainbowz~

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Say Goodbye to Phoenix Armor, Hello to spirit Armor!

Hey Jammer! Bananarainbowz here! Remember the first Diamond Shop Armor? Phoenix...
Sadly, it has left the Diamond shop. Happily, A new armor is coming! I shouldn't say new... Well its old armor in NEW PIECES! 
The new set is Spirit Armor! This was actually a member monthly gift..
Thats just the Armor. The Helmet and glove came after that. But as you can see, it came with NEW parts! Amulet, and Tail armor!

Awesome or naw! (Say Naw and I'll eat your cupcakes)


Friday, May 30, 2014

Its that time already?!

Summer Carnival time! Yay! Heres how you go to it. You click on the signs that say..
Then enjoy! 

Cotton Candy Secrets!

Oh no! A phantom! At least it tastes good! Ok.. Enough with the corny jokes. Lets go to it! First you get any color cone. I personally choose white.
Now.. you choose the color Black.
Gather it up by moving your cone overhead of the black strings of cotton candy and gathering it up until its all gone. Now you choose white!
As you can see, my cone still has black on it. Its ok! Just go over the white strings of cotton candy just like you did to the black. Choose black again now.
Gather all of the black and it should say "Yummy!" When you look at your little cotton candy Icon it should look like a phantom! Like this!

Chemistry Secrets!

Like Science? You shouldn't be reading this. You should be in Brady's Lab in The Lost Temple Of Zios!
Here are some secrets.. to get color changing liquid!
First... You need to click on the red 3 times.. It should look like this..
Then.. You click green 3 times.. When you do, it will look like this.
Not such a nice color in my opinion. Then you click blue 3 times.. You will get this..
Then you click the fire 3 times..
After that, you click the liquid you made, and the Liquid bottles should explode, notice the smoke coming from them..
Follow these steps and you will get changing colored liquid!
*Pass it on!*

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Art!

Hey guys! Bananarainbowz here. I just LOVE art. Recently, I was sent a Artist Plaque by AJHQ. It looks like this..
You can also see when I got it by clicking here.. 

Now.. Since I love art so much, I decided to make a Artist Corner! This will have all of my artwork and if you tell me your username, your animals picture and username will appear here on my blog!
Here's the one that is currently in Jammer Central.
Funny, when I went to look at the picture, here's what came up..
Here's what I sent in..

Monday, May 26, 2014

Cami's Story..

Cami is a young brave girl who has Leukemia. Her dad works for Smart Bomb. She got her Frog when she was little and brought it everywhere. Later, her dad made Cami's Frog and sold it on Animal Jam during the beta ages. This is Cami in her den with her frog.